Sciences and Technicals

AUDES - Museum of the Berry Canal
Located on the banks of the Berry canal, the museum retraces the astonishing story of the lock keepers, carpenters and boat carpenters who marked local life for more than a century. It pays tribute to…
BELLENAVES - Automobile Museum
Unique in France, this “Souvenirs” car museum invites you to discover around fifty vehicles dating from the 1910s to the 1980s. Through a personalized presentation, each vehicle is placed in its context (political, cultural, social…
CHATELUS - School Museum
It’s a real immersion in a classroom installed in the old school dating from 1880 which opens to visitors! Here is the opportunity to rediscover the smell of purple ink, the blackboard on an easel,…
ECHASSIERES - Wolframines Museum / House of Minerals
THE HUMP OF MINERAUX AT ECHASSIERES! At Wolframines, discover the mineral universe through a fun, concrete and educational approach and get to know a sector with a unique basement! The Echassières basement constitutes a veritable…
MOULINS - Building Musem
As part of an ancient timbered house of the eighteenth century, likely ” bank sailors ” have greeted the Compagnons du Devoir, the first museum dedicated to building France presents permanent exhibitions related to the…
The headframe and the mining building known as the “central shaft”, both built by Eugène Freyssinet, together with the site that surrounds them constitute the Mining Museum. Railway circuits in operation allow visitors to have…
SAINT-NICOLAS-DES-BIEFS - Glasworker’s Museum
Resulting from excavations carried out in 1930 by Léon Chabrol on numerous glassmaking sites in Montagne-Bourbonnaise, the Musée du Verrier allows you to discover the history of forest glassmaking from the 17th and 18th centuries.…
VERNEUIL-EN-BOURBONNAIS - Museum Washing and Ironing
This museum offers an exceptional chronology of irons from all countries, or almost, and from all eras. It presents the methods used from 206 BC to the present day to straighten linen. From the Chinese…