Fine Arts

COULEUVRE - The Porcelain Museum of Couleuvre
Installed in a 14th century house, known as “Charles IX”, this museum traces the history of the Couleuvre art porcelain factory founded in 1789. The number and diversity of its exhibited pieces (200,000 molds and…
MOULINS - Anne de Beaujeu Museum and Mantin House – MAB
Housed in a magnificent Renaissance pavilion testifying to the power of the Dukes of Bourbon, the Anne-de-Beaujeu museum presents numerous art and archeology collections. Between Gallo-Roman figurines in white earth, medieval sculptures, collections of 19th…
MOULINS - Illustration of the Youth Museum – MIJ
The Children’s Illustration Museum offers an immersion in the world of book illustration and more particularly children’s books from the 19th century to the present day. Its large collection of original illustrations (nearly 4,500 pieces…
SAINT-FÉLIX - Josette Bournet Museum
This museum presents works by Josette Bournet, painter and ceramist born in Vichy in 1905 and died in Nice in 1962. Portraits, seascapes, still lifes, religious works and ceramics, numerous collection pieces are exhibited each…
VICHY - The African and Asian Arts Museum
Museum installed in a former 19th century thermal establishment. Fine Arts, photography, sacred art, ethnography, music, contemporary creation: the Museum of African and Asian Arts illustrates the artistic diversity of the civilizations of Africa and…