Activities and events 2024

To discover the 2024 programming of the various member sites of the association, we invite you to click on the corresponding site files. Don’t hesitate to “sail” from file to file because the discoveries are and will be numerous…

Museums :

AUDES - Museum of the Berry Canal
BELLENAVES - Automobile Museum
BOURBON L'ARCHAMBAULT - Augustin-Bernard Muséum
BOURBON L'ARCHAMBAULT - Château de Bourbon-l’Archambault
CERILLY - Charles-Louis Philippe Museum-House
CHANTELLE - Exhibition hall of the Tourism House
CHAREIL-CINTRAT - Conservatory of Ancient Grape Varieties of Saint-Pourçain
CHARROUX - Museum of Charroux and its district
CHATELPERRON - Prehistorama “Between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon”
CHATELUS - School Museum
COMMENTRY - Emile Mâle Heritage Area
COULEUVRE - The Porcelain Museum of Couleuvre
CUSSET - The Prison Tower and the Underground
ECHASSIERES - Wolframines Museum / House of Minerals
FLEURIEL - Historial of the peasant soldier
GANNAT - Paléopolis
GANNAT - Yves Machelon Museum
HURIEL - Museum of the Dungeon of Toque
JENZAT - The Stringed-instrument maker’s House
LE BREUIL - Milling Museum – Montciant Mill
MONTAIGU-LE-BLIN - The Rural Museum of Montaigu-Le-Blin
MONTLUÇON - Popular Music Muséum – MuPop
MOULINS - Anne de Beaujeu Museum and Mantin House – MAB
MOULINS - Building Musem
MOULINS - Château des Ducs de Bourbon “La Mal-Coiffée”
MOULINS - Illustration of the Youth Museum – MIJ
NERIS-LES-BAINS - Gallo-Roman Museum
SAINT-FÉLIX - Josette Bournet Museum
SAINT-NICOLAS-DES-BIEFS - Glasworker’s Museum
SAINT-POURÇAIN-SUR-SIOULE - The Museum of the Vineyard and the Country
SOUVIGNY - Museum and Priory Church
VERNEUIL-EN-BOURBONNAIS - Museum Washing and Ironing
VICHY - Albert Londres House
VICHY - The African and Asian Arts Museum
VICHY - The Opera of Vichy Museum
YGRANDE - Émile Guillaumin Museum